100% human voiceovers. Welcome to transparent, up-front pricing and real-time availability for some of the best real voiceover artists in the world.
We believe Voice Fairy is the best way to find, book and record a professional quality voiceover without leaving the house. Just type what you’re after in the search box and our unique technology will display the voiceover performance you’re looking for in a fraction of a second.
All the artists on our site are there because they are exceptionally good at what they do and they all have their own approved recording studios. We require all our artists to regularly let us know when they can work so we can make sure we only offer you voice options that are actually available.
We also make sure there are no nasty surprises by showing you the price up front. And we display actual feedback from other clients that have used voice talent so you know exactly what to expect.
It’s all designed to make your journey to that perfect performance as smooth and frictionless as possible.
We hope you like it.
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